Friedrich is on a campout tonight. He sure leaves a big hole when he's gone. He was supposed to meet everyone at church in the next town over. I drove him over there because the Captain was busy, but before I left I asked the Captain if I had enough gas to get there and back. Because our van runs on CNG, I wouldn't be able to fuel up until I got back to our town. There would be no place to get any more gas while I was gone. I told him I had an eighth of a tank, and he said he thought I'd be alright.
But by the time we had picked up Friedrich's friend and were headed toward the freeway, it was starting to look like a little less than an eighth of a tank. That meant that I should probably have stopped to fuel up, but Friedrich and his friend were supposed to meet everyone else at 2:45pm, and I didn't think I had time to stop for gas. (I know, I know. I didn't have time to run out of gas, either.)
I was a little worried, but I got the boys to the rendezvous spot alright, and headed back toward home. The gas gauge was by now barely above empty, and the Low Fuel light had been showing for a while. I started praying and hoping that I would make it back to town, because if I ran out of gas on the highway, there would be nothing to do but have the van towed to the gas station. That's one of the only problems with having a CNG vehicle, is that there's no way to bring gas to them. They always have to go to the pump. That and the pumps are too few and far between...
So I took the highway home instead of the freeway, just in case I did get stranded, but I knew that God could get me home if he saw fit, so I kept praying and trying to have faith.
And it worked! I did get home alright, and I was so glad. Sometimes the Lord saves us from things that aren't our fault and we have no control over, and sometimes he's gracious enough to save us from things we've gotten ourselves into out of plain old impatience or even stupidity. Such was the case today. I should have been smart enough to fill up when I was getting low instead of risking it. I was dumb and impatient, and the Lord helped me out anyway. And boy am I glad!
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