Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday July 26th

We did it!  Oh man, I did not realize how much work a yard sale was.  After spending all of yesterday getting ready for it, we spent all of today actually doing it.  I mean, you write 8:00 to 12:00 on the signs, but it's really more like 6:30am to 6:00pm.  We got up early to start getting ready and setting stuff up.  The Captain had gone out and put signs up last night, so people started showing up at 7:00, before we were even ready. 

But we pulled it together and were mostly ready before the crowds came.  Quite a few people came, and I'm sure it was the Lord sending them over, because we did not get it into the newspaper, and we only had a couple of signs around town to let people know about it.  But people came, anyway, and they carried away a lot of our junk.  We didn't make a ton of money, but we got rid of a lot of stuff. 

The stuff that didn't sell was loaded up and hauled to Deseret Industries , so when it was all over, we had tons more room in our garage.  Ah, it feels so good to get rid of stuff!  Actually, I'm exhausted, but my spirit feels lighter with fewer possession to take care of and store.  

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